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How much do we charge for day care services?

Day care rates are determined by the age of the child. ​

  • Under 1-year of age - $200/week 

  • 1st-2nd birthday - $190/week 

  • 2nd-3rd birthday - $180/week 

  • 3rd-6th birthday - $170/week 

Are we fully licensed? 

Yes, we are a type 1 licensed facility.

What is the daily schedule? 

The daily schedule will vary depending on the classroom. 


Infant and Toddler 

Child led based on their nap/feeding schedules. 


One-Year Old 

A little more structured. Eat and nap at set times with adjustments based on developmental considerations. 


Two and On
More structured. Included circle time, free-play, lunch, and nap. Each day is a unique lesson plan that includes music, movement, Science, Math, Language Art, Social/Emotional skills development, fine and gross motor skills development, and play. We go outside as often as possible, weather permitting. 

How does a child enter into foster care? 

When suspicions or allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation are reported, Child Protective Services (CPS) will investigate to determine the safety of the child. If it is determined that the child is in danger, CPS will relocate the child, first searching for a relative, then working to find a foster home for the child if a relative is unable to take the child. 

How do we select our teachers?

It is our goal to only employee teachers who wish to enter into day care teaching as a career. We take all appropriate areas into consideration: character, education, belief in the purpose of AGC, talent, and willingess to learn and grow.

What is the teacher-child-ratio? 

  • Infant Room - 1:5

  • 1-Year Room - 1:5 

  • 2-Year Room - 1:5

  • 3-Year Room - 1:10 

  • 4-5 Year Room - 1:12 

Are children required to be up-to-date on immunizations? 

Yes, they must be up-to-date on immunizations. 

What is our approach to discipline? 

We use multiple strategies for discipline, centered on positive reinforcement and redirection. We may utilize time outs and also "time-in" where the child spends time with a the teacher to help regulate emotions. Each class has a bear cave (a multi-purpose area) where the child can go if they need a quiet place to reduce sensory input.

What is the protocol for sick children? 

The general policy for sickness is that the your child will need to be symptom free (without medication) for 24 hours and/or have doctor's note. Protocol for specific illnesses it outlined in the handbook. 


What is our processes for cleaning/sanitizing? 

We follow a rigorous three-step process for cleaning that happens daily, and often multiple times a day. 

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