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Writer's pictureKat Maupin

A Quiet Place

Today I celebrate 12 years of working at All God’s Children. Though 'celebrate’ is a bit of a stretch… no cake, no balloons, no gifts, there has been a whole lot of introspection and reminiscing. 12 years ago I left behind one of the most stressful jobs on the planet and started fresh alongside my mentor and mother, Pam. I had been a quiet observer of leadership of a non-profit for years and was excited to begin playing a more involved role. 

Reflecting on the past 12 years, there are numerous lessons I have learned, encompassing heartbreak, excitement, chaos, joy, and grief. But what I am choosing to dwell on is the Lord’s steady provision. Over the years I have made so very many mistakes — in my determination, I have ran out ahead of Him. In my despair I have hid from him. And in my frustration I have ignored least, I tried.

Now, I seek to return to a quiet place of rest and trust. In this place I see his hand covering all things, a hand that never left. Never sped up or slowed down. He has been faithful in all things. When I am impatient or lack compassion, he is faithful. When I feel like giving up, he is faithful. When I am on top of the world and feeling confident, he is faithful. When I lost the one person who inspired this journey, he was & is faithful. 

This summer, if you are looking for a way to bless this ministry, its employees, and the children and families we serve — will you pray? Pray that our timing is God’s timing and that our will is God’s will…. and that we are reminded daily of his presence, his protection and his faithfulness.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

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