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Foster Care

Serving the most powerful influence in the world: families.


Foster Parent

The protectors of the children in our state who have been displaced from their homes. 


The community members who commits to loving, serving, and praying for our foster parents while they are on their fostering journey.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, or serving our foster families, this is the place for you! 

Respite Team

The relief for our foster families, who provide them with date nights, weekend get-aways, and vacations.


The servant-hearted who prepare meals, organizing events, donate gifts, help maintain the propriety, and contribute in a hundred other ways. 

We want you to know that your work at AGC and your dedication to families like ours have not gone unnoticed. Your support has been a lifeline during this often overwhelming foster journey, and we're incredibly grateful for all that you do.

-Foster Parent

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